Monday, October 7, 2013

New Mexico Travels

Even though New Mexico is a neighboring state, it still took us 13 hours to reach the border while traveling across the western side of Texas. Not a great green drive but plains with scattered traffic and dry lands. As you come closer to the New Mexico border it all changed from concrete to rolling hills lush with vegetation followed by flat desert lands. As we drove towards Albuquerque, we surprisingly, found ourselves in midst of mountains. Spent the evening with 4th of July fireworks at the Balloon Fiesta Park.

Next morning, we visited Santa Fe, the oldest state capital of United States. Here, we explored the historic and artistic culture of New Mexico. Enjoyed the historic architecture and spent some time at the Bazaar (Palace of Governors  that dates back to early 17th century).

Prayed at the Cathedral Basillica of  St. Francis of Assisi and went to the Loretto chapel to see the mysterious staircase - unusual helix shaped spiral staircase without any vertical support. This  place no longer serves as a church but is a museum now.

Next morning, we took our maiden hot air balloon ride at across the Albuquerque city for a pictures view @ 5000 feet. After celebrating the safe landing with the crew and all other balloon riders with Champagne later we began our journey back to home sweet home in Texas.

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